The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is one of the most exiting space projects there is.
It’s just full of engineering, scientific and political feats.

There once was a great dashboard for the Hayabus-2 mission [Hayabusa in Wikipedia] and I am wondering if there is something similar out there in the internet to track the JWST mission as well.

That’s why I decided to keep track of all the great links and updates I can find regarding the JWST


✅ 🥇🪞 2022-01-07 First of Two Primary Mirror Wings Unfolds [NASA]

✅ 💪 2022-01-04 75% of single point of failures reached [Twitter]

✅ ☀️⛱💪 2022-01-04 all five sun shield layers tensioned [Twitter]

✅ 🧯🧯 2021-12-27 0:20 UTC: Second Mid-Course Correction Burn [NASA]
✅ ☀️ 2021-12-24 16:57 : weather clear to go for 2021-12-25 13:20 [Twitter]

Time2021-12-25 @ 12:20-12:59 UTC (09:20 local, 13:20 CET)
Launch SiteGuiana Space Centre in French Guiana Wikipedia YouTube@ESA tour
RocketAriane 5 flight VA256 Wikipedia
Press KitsArianespace
press releaseNASA, NASA 25th confirmation
LiveStreamNASA Live, NASA YouTube, ESA Webb TV One

dashboard: Where is Webb [NASA]



  • NASA watches space weather for Webb launch [NASA]

Technical Details

Science Missions


– Bunker Control room [Twitter]


  • ESTRACK network Now [ESA]
Where Is Webb? [NASA]
Deep Space Network Now
Quite intense trailer on the NASA YouTube channel [YouTube]
JWST in comparison with other telescopes [YouTube]
Araine5 VA256 launch [Twitter]