Vin Kühn
The amount of resources one consumes is only limited by money. Why is money still the most demanding factor?
Social Entrepreneurship – Wiki
Designing products for recycling / modular design
Single used plastic
Social Entrepreneurship – Wiki
Designing products for recycling / modular design
Economical Sustainability
Personal Greening
Exergie: it’s not good to be stuck with things, that have only a little impact. It’s much way effective to work on the things with a large impact first. (Club of Rome)
anti biotic, Tierhaltung, working conditions
Environmental Sustainability
When comes to Environmental sustainability I always found it kind of odd and quite frankly off-putting how modern industries treat the natural resources and the humans working for them.
I always have to think about the stories of the native Americans who lived in symbiosis with “Mother Nature”. It is said that they only killed as many animals as they needed and therefore kept their resources mainly untouched.