A collection of papers + ratings (if read) and maybe comments.
Modeling and Simulation of a Spacecraft Payload Hardware Using Machine Learning Techniques ASCEND 2020
TECSEL2: a machine learning system to exploit cross- mission datasets EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019
Reinforcement Learning for Satellite Communications: From LEO to Deep Space Operations
Methods of Machine Learning for Space Object Pattern Classification
Using Machine Learning to Automatically Detect Anomalous Spacecraft Behavior from Telemetry Data
Machine Learning in Operations for the Mars Express Orbiter 2018 SpaceOps Conference
Novelty Detection with Deep Learning 2018 SpaceOps Conference
AI Support for future mission operations:
The case of BepiColombo On-board Memory Management 2018 SpaceOps Conference
ATHMoS: Automated Telemetry Health Monitoring System at GSOC using Outlier Detection and Supervised Machine Learning SpaceOps 2016 Conference
Performance assessment of NOSTRADAMUS & other machine learning-based telemetry monitoring systems on a spacecraft anomalies database 2018 SpaceOps Conference